Power Bi Dashboard
Using Power Bi to create an interactive report from data in multiple excel workbooks.
I am currently completing an Applied MSc in Data Analytics in the renowned French school Data ScienceTech Institute (DSTI) . I am skilled in SQL (Microsoft SQL Server/pgAdmin 4), Python (PANDAS/NumPy/MatPlotLib), SAP, R (DataTables/ggplot/plotly/ShinyApp), Advanced Excel for Data Analytics, Microsoft CRM, Microsoft BI, Microsoft Power Apps, Neo4j (Professional Certified).
Using Power Bi to create an interactive report from data in multiple excel workbooks.
Using Python to create a machine learning model to predict Goodreads book ratings.
Using R Shiny App to explore AirBnB Paris data.
Exploring Covid-19 Data using Microsoft SQL Server.
Using Python to Explore Correlation in Movies Data.
Using R and ggplot to replicate a scatterplot from The Economist magazine